In today’s society, research suggests that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) nurses are the focus of two types of oppression: internalized negative attitudes and external sources of harassment …
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Lillian Aguirre is a SocialWork@Simmons student from Las Vegas, Nevada, where she has lived for eight years. She earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Las Vegas Nevada, and is currently the program company manager for a private company that provides in-home services to families who have children with autism...

Dr. Joanna Almeida is currently an assistant professor at the Simmons College School of Social Work where she teaches “Human Behavior in the Social Environment.” She holds a Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) and Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) from Boston University, and she earned a Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) from the Harvard School of Public Health...
Social workers often find that their careers add profound meaning and purpose to their lives. The profession is a calling for individuals who want to create positive change for individuals, families, and communities. What is sometimes lost in the everyday pursuits of social workers is the toll the profession takes on their emotional well-being, overall health, and relationships...
Social workers have a unique skill set that is in demand in many parts of the world, and some may feel their skills could be better applied in an international setting. While jobs in domestic and international social work can be similar, the lifestyle and cultural challenges are different. Expats in any job must reconcile their own cultural upbringing and beliefs with those of their host country...

One of the unique aspects of the SocialWork@Simmons program is how it blends online learning with hands-on-experience in the field. Field education consists of agency-based courses in which you get to apply what you’ve learned in a supervised, real-world environment. In addition to gaining supervised clinical experience, field education provides you an opportunity to become familiar with the many roles social workers play in your community...