Nurse practitioners (NPs) have spent decades forging the way for independent, quality patient care, and there’s no better time to acknowledge their work — and their persistence — than during …
After years of study and dedication to your education, graduating from a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program is something to be proud of. You know all too well the countless …
Jason Boyd became the first student to officially enroll in Nursing@Simmons, Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences’ online Master of Science in Nursing program for aspiring Family Nurse Practitioners …
In the early stages of their careers, some nurses often feel like they will never learn enough to stay afloat. As they make mistakes and find small victories, just getting …
Unpredictable events are common in this field, and nurses tend to thrive in this environment. A solid commitment to protect and advocate for their patients — even when their own …
Lisa Marie Doyle, RN, OCN is currently enrolled in the Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences’ on-campus Master of Science in Nursing — Family Nurse Practitioner program. In a …
Nickie Burney is a graduate of the Family Nurse Practitioner program at Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences. In a recent interview, Burney shared her experience attending Simmons College …
Most nurses enter this profession because they want to care for people. Monitoring patients as they heal and seeing them return to living a quality life are perhaps the most …
Decades ago, Registered Nurses (RN) wore all white, topped their heads with boxy hats, and gave up their chairs to doctors. As an RN today, you can pursue advanced degrees …