Medicaid State Estimates by State of Residence (Millions of Dollars)- Accessible Page
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Massachusetts is one of only 12 states that places significant restrictions on practice, requiring NPs to be supervised by a physician to develop treatment plans and prescribe medications. However, the state is making strides toward expanding the role of Nurse Practitioners, particularly in an effort to curb the growth of MassHealth spending, which accounted for two-thirds of statewide expenditures between 2013 and 2014 according to the 2015 Health Policy Commission report.

As members of the SocialWork@Simmons community, our backgrounds are unique, with a shared dedication for our work and for the Simmons School of Social Work. What does social work mean to each of us? Why did we become social workers? Why did we join the SocialWork@Simmons community? “Why I Do It” tells these stories.